Kill your darlings! An indie author's guide to when murder is acceptable. (Part One)
I just deleted a scene! This rarely happens since I tend to underwrite and bulk-out the story afterwards, but every so often, I come...
Kill your darlings! An indie author's guide to when murder is acceptable. (Part One)
Embracing the Thorns: A Guide to Growing Through Criticism
Show Don’t Tell—A universal rule?
Reverse engineering your book: a guide to ensure you’re writing the book you want to be writing
Nailing the ending of your book
Writing a slow-burn romance...
Books I Wrote But Never Published
Heartstopper: an adorable and refreshing love story for the ages
Writing Authentic Characters
Writing Masterclass: Point of View and Perspective
3 Simple Tips to Writing Believable Couples
The Perfect First Kiss
Top Ten Tips for Writing Effective Action
Writing Description: A Workshop
Why write fairy tale retellings?
How to write a novel in 6 months (but probably three)